Franchise India

Monday 15 December 2014

We All Have What It Takes to be an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship begins with dreams. We get new ideas through the generation and mutations of random thought. Some of these may be rejected by our minds as useless, while others may be seen as valuable and are retained.

It is these ideas we consider valuable that causes our minds to generate reasonable grounds for belief, which in turn stirs the exceptional intellect or creative powers that reside with in each one of us.

What's Really Needed to be an Entrepreneur

Age is of no consequence when looking at becoming an entrepreneur. Dreams and the burning desire to achieve them are the main traits needed. Yet there are two other entrepreneurial traits that should not be left out that are just as vital as dreams: persistence and failure.

It's easy to understand that dreams, desires and persistence would be traits needed to be a successful entrepreneur. But how in the world can failures be helpful to the entrepreneur's success?

Entrepreneurs Learn from Failure

Failure may seem to be out of place as a trait that successful entrepreneurs need, but it may be the most important trait of all for entrepreneurship after our dreams.

Let us take a live past example: 

Thomas A. Edison is known for the invention of the light bulb. He made over 10,000 attempts before he discovered a carbonized bamboo filament that could last over 1200 hours.

When asked about the frustration of all his failures he responded, "I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward...I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." And, one of his most recognized quotes of all attributed to Edison is, "Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration." Edison is credited with 1,093 U.S. patents to his name.

Fear of failure and the lack of perceived security and stability are the primary reasons some would rather live in mediocrity than embark on an exciting entrepreneurship adventure and be their own boss. It's what drives many away from their dreams of entrepreneurship.

Dreams are More Important than Age to Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurial dreams do come true for those who take action and are willing to learn from their mistakes!

Source: By Gregory Henderson

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