Franchise India

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Tired of your monotonous job... Start your own business...

Are you a professional in your respective field who is aspiring to own a business but is clouded with dual thoughts whether it will click or not. Then, Franchise India offers a solution to your dilemma that will help you to make a decision in buying a right business that suits your aptitude.

Buying a business is always considered complicated as it brings along with an elongate course of action with substantial number of steps involved and much to consider, especially for anyone who has never bought one before. For a debutant in the business arena, nothing beats franchise business model as it is a proven business model that will help you being a first time business buyer.

Why franchising suits best for professionals?

Franchising helps in selling goods and services that are well established in the markets. The franchise business model offers instant name and recognition among the customers and provides regular training and support that can yield great returns. The franchise model is apt for the professionals who are master in their respective fields. Franchising would assists first time business buyers who are also professionals, to run a business strategically and reduces their investment risk.

Franchising- a solution to all the challenges

After starting a business, its maintenance is a challenge for an entrepreneur. There are many standard challenges that every business faces. These include things like hiring the right people, building a brand and so on but apart from these there are some other challenges that are faced by potential buyers who have spent their whole career in a corporate office and have grown out of experience in a particular field.

Speaking to numerous entrepreneurs, who have jumped into the franchising pool after spending numerous years in their jobs, have come across some common challenges which include time management, brand building, funding, no support and training.

Even though, some entrepreneurs are professionals but they tend to commit mistakes in their businesses due to some common reasons. Here are a few points to elaborate that why should a professional opt for franchise route rather than starting his own venture.

Why choose franchising than building your own brand?

Funding: Financial backup or fiscal assistance is one of the vital parts to start any business. Especially for the first time buyers, it is a challenging phase to overcome. All professionals require at least a small amount of money to kick off their business. Despite one being professional in its respective field, lack of funds can put ones entrepreneurial dreams on the backseat. For franchise buyers, risk is less as the concept and brand is already established.

Marketing & branding: No brand or business is complete without its branding and marketing. After starting a business or a franchise, it is important that the entrepreneur or the franchisee makes optimum marketing of the brand it is associated with to gain the attention of prospective consumers and clients. For entrepreneurs who take franchise of a brand are on a safer side as majority of franchisors offers marketing support.

Time management: Time management is another important element to think upon before taking up any business. Managing time and pertinent allocation of work among the staff is key to success as this would save the time, energy and the money invested to run a business smoothly.

Support and training: Support and training is the backbone of all businesses. Franchising business model saves the franchisee of training the staff himself because franchisors keep their franchisees and staff trained and updated on regular basis.

Steps to success for emerging entrepreneurs

1. Do a lot of research about the brand/product you are investing into.
2. Organize your finances.
3. Work on determining what type of business will thrive from your strengths and not suffer from your weaknesses.
4. Seek professional advice from a qualified accountant and attorney. Consult franchise consultants like Franchise India. Franchise India offers business support to entrepreneurs and first time business buyers in seeking best franchises of their interest. Franchise India also organises Business Opportunity Shows (BOS), Franchise and Retail Opportunity Shows (FRO) for entrepreneurs looking for business opportunities pan- India.
5. Unless you have a wealth of experience buying businesses, then educate yourself about this process. Learn as much as you can. When it comes to investing in your future, you can never know too much!

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